Funny Pokemon Sword and Shield Memes
Despite being boycotted by supposed die-hard fans, the Pokémon: Sword and Shield's games have been selling like hotcakes, and it's thanks to its very exciting gameplay that fans loved them so much that Pokémon communities became a constant source of funny Pokémon memes and jokes.
But some aspects of the game are way too weird if you think about them too much, and that's why we gathered funny memes that make fun of the parts of the game that make no sense. So, just relax and have a laugh at some Gen VIII's memes.
Updated June 18th, 2020 by Meg Pelliccio: With the recent release of Pokémon: Sword and Shield's first expansion, the Isle of Armor, many players have returned to the Galar region to get back to their Pokémon journey and discover what the new area has to offer.
The Pokémon fandom has seen an increase in activity and unsurprisingly, an increase of memes based on the new content. Some of these memes are perfect are summing up some of the aspects of the game that simply make no sense to players, as well as offering up some laughs at the same time.
15 Bye Bye Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been dominating the charts since its release, becoming one of the most played Nintendo Switch titles at present. However, that all changed with the release of the Isle of Armor DLC.
Now, plenty of players are flocking back to the game and leaving Animal Crossing on the sidelines, this much is clear from how much social media is blowing up with Isle of Armor posts. The daft thing is, the idea of paid-for DLC for a Pokémon gamewas such a controversy to fans that many said they weren't going to buy it or play it. So where are all these players coming from? Well, they all caved in it seems.
14 Psychic Powers

With the Isle of Armor introducing a new psychic specialist character in the form of Avery, it just reminds Pokémon fans of the glaringly obvious fact that the series never really seems to acknowledge - there are people with actual psychic powers.
This has cropped in the Pokémon games and anime series a few times, but it's just something that fans are supposed to accept at face value as we never get a deeper answer. Who needs Pokémon when you have special powers of your own?
13 Version Differences

Like the other titles within the franchise, Pokémon: Sword and Shield have version differences depending on which title you decided to buy. The Isle of Armor continues this trend by changing up your dojo rival depending on whether you own Sword or Shield.
It's confusing to fans how Nintendo comes to these decisions, especially when Sword gets a pretty looking trainer and Shield gets left with someone who looks very eccentric, to say the least. How does Nintendo decide who gets the better rival? With the toss of a coin?
12 Shark Attack

Players have had a decent amount of time to get to grips with the latest Pokémon titles, getting to know the new features and elements of the game, such as the Pokémon wandering around in the world.
Considering all of the Pokémon that players have already encountered in the main game, no one was expecting Nintendo to shake up the behavior of the overworld Pokémon. This meant everyone was in for a shock when they first ventured into the sea in the Isle of Armor and had a Sharpedo charge right at them. For some reason, Nintendo decided only to make this one Pokémon particularly aggressive.
11 How Many Digletts Do You Need

One of the new features of the Isle of Armor is that there is an NPC who asks you to help him find all of his Digletts. There are 150 Digletts in total that are scattered around the new area. They are all hidden underground, so you have to spot them by seeing their tuft of hair that sticks out.
Whilst you're running around searching for enough Digletts to cause a serious structural concern below ground, you have to question why on earth one guy has that many Digletts.
10 The Fire-Fighting Scare

Game Freak's love for Fire-Fighting starters is really well-known. When players first saw Torchic's last evolution, Blaziken, they were astounded, as the Fire-Fighting type combination was new, and its design was well-executed. For some reason, the game's designers decided to repeat the formula with Chimchar's and Tepig's evolution lines, something that left players disappointed.
To appease the masses, they introduced Fennekin, which was the first Fire starter that didn't end up with Fighting as its secondary type since Cyndaquil. But then, players got a bit scared when they saw Incineroar, as it was easy to assume that the "Luchador Cat" would end up being a Fire-Fighting type, but, luckily, he wasn't. The same thing happened to Cinderace, as he had all the looks and feels of a kick fighter, except, well... its type, yay!
9 He Can't Learn What?

There are some Pokémon that have very weird and questionable movesets. To give you an example of this, Wooper doesn't have any arms, yet he can learn Ice Punch, and Doduo doesn't have wings, but it can learn Fly, while Scyther, a Pokémon with wings, cannot learn how to fly.
Eternatus is a powerful Poison-Dragon type Pokémon whose lore states that he often expels blasts of energy over the Galar Region. But, for some reason, it can't learn Gunk Shot, a Poison-type move that makes the Pokémon shoot garbage at its opponent, while Cinderace, a Fire-type kicking-themed Pokémon, can learn it normally.
8 What Do You Mean By Pure Flying Type?

If someone asked a Pokéfan to name Flying-type Pokémon, they'd probably write you a long list of them, as they are one of the most common types of Pokémon—so much that there's always small bird Pokes around the first town of all Pokémon games.
The thing is, there are only 4 pure Flying-type, and two of them were introduced in the Sword and Shield games! Players are so used to seeing birds in their games that most haven't realized that they aren't just single-typed, as they often have a secondary type. Even dual typed Pokémon with Flying as its primary type are rare—how odd!
7 Trading Level 1 Caterpy For Lv 100 Shiny Zamazenta

One of the many wonders of Pokémon games is the ability to trade Pokes with players all over the world. The GTS turned it up to eleven, as it helps players send Pokémon to trade for others, and it even allows them to ask for specific characteristics.
Sadly, the GTS is often filled with absurd trade specifications, like trainers who ask for legendary Pokémon in exchange for route 1 creatures. It's kind of funny to see them, but they make finding fair trades a very hard thing to do, as the number of crazy trades outstrips them.
6 Fossil Revival Done Wrong

Ever since Gen I introduced fossil Pokémon like Aerodactyl, Omanyte, and Kabuto, players have cherished these creatures, as they're often rare and interesting. Sometimes, players are given the chance to pick only one fossil per game, and it is one of the hardest choices of Pokémon games.
Players were happy to hear that Pokémon Sword and Shield would give them the chance to obtain more than two new fossil pieces. But that happiness was cut short, asSword and Shield players could only acquire incomplete fossils, which they had to mix with each other to create Pokémon with very goofy designs.
5 Run!

The Galar region is known for its wild areas filled with powerful and territorial wanderer Pokémon. They don't need to hide in the grass thanks to their strength; instead, they chase trainers to exhaust them.
This often leads to situations where players have to flee to avoid having their Pokémon being KO'd when they're far away from a Pokémon Center. This mechanic reminisced Breath of the Wild players of the times they encountered Lynels in the open fields, as these monsters could quickly send unprepared players to their deaths.
4 Throwing Balls With Style
We all know these people. They show off their abilities in each of the activities they do, but who can blame them? They probably train to maintain their hobbies. Although it's kind of fun to think of them whenever we see Pokémon trainers throw their pokéball with grace.
Only, Gen VII games let players choose their "Battle Style," meaning, they could pick how their character would throw their pokéballs and the poses they'd do during battles. It'd be nice to pick them again in future games, as it added a level of flavor to pokémon battles that isn't seen in other games.
3 Wait, That's Illegal!

One of the most frowned upon mechanics that the Pokémon games have is the "shiny locking." This prevents players from getting shiny versions of certain pokémon just so they can be released later as part of some marketing campaign or special event.
Some players are so tired of this that they just decided to obtain them using very… heinous means. If you see a player with a shiny legendary Pokémon, then there's a high chance that it's a hacked Pokémon. They're kind of pretty and unique, though...
2 Oh No, It's Charidzilla!
This Galar meme list wouldn't be complete if it lacked a Gmax Charizard meme. The Gmax mechanic introduced the concept of giant Pokémon wreaking havoc across the region. It received a lukewarm welcome, as many players resented the fact that Game Freak replaced the Z-moves and Mega Evolutions with induced gigantism.
And it's hard not to think of Kaiju monsters, especially with giant Dragon Pokémon such as Charizard due to their giant size and monstrous design. Competitive players also see them as monsters, since Gmaxed Pokémon boast overpowered stats and are almost always banned in competitive communities.
1 Sniper Camping

If you want further proof that the game makes no sense, just look at Inteleon's Gigantamax design. He doesn't get bigger, he just summons a turret and adds a scope and barrel to his… finger gun?
It's kind of weird to see every Pokémon get big and strong, while the sniper lizard just gets a place to snipe and some add-ons. But, if you think about it, it sort of makes sense, maybe instead of getting physically stronger Inteleon just gets smarter.
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